By Rupert James
Cleis Press, $16.95, 472 pages

If you like fashion, sex, intrigue and more sex then Rupert James is your kind of author. In Silk we meet three strong women: a mother who’s a barrister on the rise, her fashion designer daughter who is also on the rise and a disgruntled mistress who is on the way down but not without a fight.  Add in the machinations of one devilishly handsome Italian villain who insinuates himself in all their lives and Silk is the perfect cocktail of escapist reading.

This book is exactly what it is meant to be a frothy and fun escape; something to read while on vacation or sitting on the bus on the way to work.  However, even raunchy frolic books deserve proper editing and this one didn’t get it which is why I marked it down half a star. There are numerous typos, misplaced punctuation and misused words in sentences. Author James did his job by constructing a plot with action and lots of racy adventure but is let down by a poor editing job. Having to re-read a sentence for it to make sense disrupts the book’s pace and can be frustrating and this is a novel that relies on momentum. Still, a good read.

Reviewed by Catherine Gilmore,

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